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April 17, 2004 | 01:08
Who believes in One-Country Two-System?

I hate politics.

There was no any democracy or election before 1984 -- the Joint Declaration. After the declaration the Basic Law was created which already specified the way to improvement of HK democracy.

The Basic Law says that the resident of HK will enjoy freedom of speech, association, assembly and of press, the current life-style, social and economic systems will remained unchanged after 1997. Furthermore, it is promised that all HK lego members and the Chief Executive of HKSAR will be directly elected by HK people. The electoral arrangements are in line with the Basic Law. The Bills of Rights and other related amendments are in line with the Basic Law and Joint Declaration.

At the moment, our leader Tung Chee-wa was selected by an 800-member committee controlled by China's communist leaders. He pissed off everyone royally. Last year on the Hand-over day, half million people marched in protest at anti-subversion legislation and urged direct election on 2007, this showed a very strong demanded for the first time.

Until recently, The Chinese National People's Congress Standing Committee gave "interpretations" on the Basic Law, basically telling us there is no room for direct election.

At this point it is now well known that China trashed and ignored the Joint Declaration, the Basic Law and all the other promises over here. China can violate the Basic Law any time it likes.

This is the worst human right violation, and I won't let it continue to carry out in our society. I'm sick to hear people say do you think you're going to change a government mind? Hello? Government control our society because we're not going to "change a government mind" and they could care less what we think. Better yet, let's all just roll over and play dead and get it over with.

We'll keep fighting it, are you with me?


Yes, I know certain older Macs like the Power Mac 6500 had the power button on the back, but those computers came with keyboards that had power buttons on them.

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April 15, 2004 | 22:21
Why Apple Hong Kong SUCKS!

So I said Apple Hong Kong sucks yesterday, did I? Let me tell you why they suck.

Apple Taiwan had bus painted in different color promoting iPod, Apple China placed huge ads in busy metro stations. What promotions does Apple HK give?

On the first launch day, there was a big road-show in Time Square, I got my first 5GB iPod there and received a white Apple tee as a gift, it was neat. It was 2001 November.

After the road-show, I saw zero promotion about this edgy product that supposedly printed on magazines or newspaper. There was NO, I did not see one newspaper/magazine ad or TV commercial. Shameful. It's now 2004, they've been giving it zero promotion. Why Apple Hong Kong are bother to spend on cent on promotion or publicity? How do these products expect to profit if they don't back them?

There are still a lot of people that feel Mac is for design people, I knew the desktop publishing and graphic design industry has been Mac based. If I am lucky enough to meet a Mac user in here the first question they ask would be: how long have you been in design industry?

Apple HK has done nothing to show people the killer apps and machines and certainly did not discover something: once people really give the Mac an honest try, they want one and often buy one.

One last complain, the power button on the back of eMac is ridiculous design, people WILL turn on their computers on a regular basis and they will only get annoyed by how awkward it is to turn the computer back on. To make matters worse, they took away the iMac's ability to be turned on from a keyboard that has a power button. Tried to hooking up a different Mac USB keyboard to eMac and try pressing the keyboard power button - it's not going to work. If Apple put power buttons back on the keyboards, then the power button on the back wouldn't be such a problem.

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April 14, 2004 | 23:09
Thank you Apple for poor customer service!!!!!

This is a true story. A close friend bought an AV Cable from online AppleStore on 2 April, received it on 8 April (2 days later the proposed delivery date). A few hours later he found out the cable he ordered wasn't the right cable for his iBook Opague. He searched K-base and realized he need Mini DVI to AV cable. Somewhat disappointed, he decided to call Apple after the holidays.

He called Apple yesterday and extremely dissatisfied with Apple's customer service. First he had spent 45 minutes on hold transferring from AppleStore to Technical Support and was eventually routed to Technical Support.

After giving his serial number, he was informed he couldn't exchanged the cable because he could only exchange it within 6 days of purchase. This, after waiting for 5 days of delivery and 4 days of holiday. Frustrated, he told them the problem is he has been without the cable for well over 5 days and nobody seems to care, but still no one could promised he can has it exchange.

That is a true story. He is shocked, disappointed and disgusted with the lack of help, and the incompetence displayed by Apple's support staff. Apple has a good warranty service policy but its dead end customer service policy is a poor move on the part of Apple's administration.

I asked my friend to call again and speak to a few higher-ups to get his problem resolved in a timely manner. I am surprised that a company with such a small share of the market behave as arrogant as this.

All in all, Apple Hong Kong sucks!

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April 13, 2004 | 21:26
I am alive and have an update

Hmmm...well, it's a funny old life, I know I haven't been keeping up with the blogging, so I'll do a quick summary for now, in the last 3 weeks, I have:

- got myself a new iPod, 20GB for HK$2600 with iSkin. Way cool!

- seen HyberCube, the basic idea was cool but everything else was terrible, no logic to the organization of the rooms, no scheme of colors or numbers relating to the apparently random and unexplained traps, no reason for the implosion; almost no logic at all as far as I could tell. Yeah I should have known it'd be horrible. But still, I was disappointed. The first one - Cube was kind of a neat little movie, even its plot, actors and special effects were far superior, and there did seem to be some sort of mathematical logic to the rooms, and a closing scene that was somewhat memorable.

- noted Kurt Cobain is gone for 10 fuxking years. Nirvana was the first band to ever connect with me on a deep level. They were the first to let me lose myself in music and showed me all the real power and importance of it. Without Nirvana, I don't even want to think about how I would have turned out, or what I would I have done.

- began to swear a lot, what brings out the aggressive spirit inside me? Gotta behave myself, more or less.

- went to hike the Tai Lam Nature Trail of Tai Lam Country Park and was astounded by it. We also went up to Yuen Tun for extra fun and see lots of green.

- visit Albert's deluxe apartment.

- packed some weight in only 5 days with hardly any overeat.

- felt bored and went to buy 4 dvds but not watching it.

Hmmm...that's all for now because I have to go do homework. (^_^)

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