e v e r y . l i t t l e . s e c r e t
e v e r y . l i t t l e . s e c r e t
e v e r y . l i t t l e . s e c r e t
e v e r y . l i t t l e . s e c r e t
e v e r y . l i t t l e . s e c r e t
e v e r y . l i t t l e . s e c r e t
e v e r y . l i t t l e . s e c r e t
e v e r y . l i t t l e . s e c r e t
October 07, 2003 | 00:13
blythe date

I just read the late news - seven people in local hospital suspected of having the SARS epidemic.

Let's hope it's just another case of SARS-like virus affection.

changing topic.

Blythe dolls

The blue hair cutie Asian Buttefly is so sweet! I fell in love with her! *sniff*

Thanks to Tiney for posting those wonderful blythe pictures.

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August 26, 2003 | 23:37
Growing up I always want to be as wise and clever!

I'm grown up now and getting old and obviously not wise and clever. I wish I was little, when you're little, your best friend invite to you to play Battle Tank doubles, you hurt yourself is if you actually hurt yourself. Those were the days, when nothing really mattered except for your toys.

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August 26, 2003 | 23:07
I'm forever blowing bubbles

Typical day at work, I've been listen to Amelie OST all day, the accordion music relax me and fill me with peace.

Eddie* asked me a question over iChat on Sunday, "What's your most treasure moment in your life?" hmmmm, treasure moment? It will be the day I get marry or the moment I'm holding my first born child. He said it's not melodramatic enough. I snapped back, "How about the day I lost my virginity?" It was only after he told me the script he's working. I gave a serious thought.

My treasure moment is probably the earliest childhood memories I remember, I was about 3 years old, running thought Victoria Park on Sunday afternoon under the sunny blue summer skies and blowing bubbles with everyone chasing them. The playground around Paterson Street (Causeway Bay) corner, the slide would get so hot baking in the sun that my thighs and bare feet would burn as I slid down. And I love to swing on swings, my dad would push me softly and the swing would go higher and higher.

I was lucky to had happy childhood and many sweet memories, there were some painful times involving asthma but I still very fond of my childhood.

* he is an amateur scriptwriter.

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